
Ma allegedly asked Huang, who was in charge of the Special Investigation Division (SID) of the Supreme Prosecuto金門生育補助2017rs’ Office, to submit a report — which contained details obtained through wiretapping — regarding alleged improper political lobbying in conversations between Ker and then-legislative speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平).

Taipei District Court Chief Judge Liao Chien-yu (廖建瑜) said Ma was accused of asking his then-personal sec勞保育兒津貼查詢retary Lin Yu-chen (林有振) to call Huang and request that he visit Ma at his presidential residence on Sept. 1, 2013 — a call that lasted one minute and 46 seconds.

Ker filed libel charges against the former president on Oct. 3, 2013, accusing him of contravening the Personal Information Protection Act (個人資料保護法) and the Security and Surveillance Act (通訊監察保護法).

The Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office on March 14 indicted Ma on charges of leaking新生兒生育補助 classified information and abuse of authority in connection勞保生育給付金額 with the Ker-Wang conversation.

“Huang, who was convicted of leaking state secrets, committed the crime at Ma’s instruction, but the court cleared Ma, a ruling that is inconsistent with Huang’s conviction,” Ker said.

新聞來源:桃園育嬰津貼申請TAIPEI TIMES

“The judge has acquitted Ma on trivial details, but ignored the damage he has done to the constitutional mechanism. This negligent ruling cannot convince the public, and the verdict is written just like Ma’s defense,” Ker said.


By Jason Pan / Staff reporter

The Taipei District Court yesterday found former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) not guilty of libel and leaking of confidential information in the first ruling on a lawsuit filed by Democratic Progressive Party彰化育兒津貼查詢 caucus勞保局育嬰津貼申請表格 whip Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘).


“Regarding Ma’s accusations that Ker conducted improper political lobbying, the court fi新北市新生兒補助nds that M桃園父母未就業育兒津貼a’s comments belong within the scope of public interest and that Ma gave his commentary with good intentions and therefore is not in breach of libel laws,” Liao added.

“We thank the Taipei District Court judges for undertaking this case and for their efforts to uncover the truth and make an appropriate ruling that conforms with the law,” Ma’s office said.

Ker said that the ruling was a “grave mistake” and that he would appeal.

The court said there was insufficient ev第三胎生育補助idence to prove allegations that Ma had requested then-prosecutor-general Huang Shih-ming (黃世銘) to leak information from a judicial investigation, obtained through wiretapping of a telephone conversation in September 2013.

Criticizing the verdict, which said that a crucial call rec勞保育兒津貼2017ord could not prove that Ma ordered Huang to leak state secrets, Ker said Ma’s guilt was evident, but he was acquitted because there was no audio recording of Ma giving the order.

CONFLICT Former prosecutor-general Huang Shih-ming was convicted of leaking state secrets, but Ma Ying-jeou has been cleared, which is inconsistent, DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming said

DPP spokesman Wang Min-sheng (王閔生) said the ruling could not disguise that Ma intervened to try to oust a political rival, and calle勞保生育補助2017d第三胎補助台中 on the court to make a fair苗栗生育補助 judgement.

“Witne勞保局育嬰津貼查詢ss testimonies and documentation presented by Ker were unable to prove that Ma had instructed Huang to present any information obtained through the SID’s probe and results from the wiretapping. As such, there was no indication he ordered others to leak confidential information,” Liao said.

Additional桃園市育兒津貼 reporting by Chen Wei-han金門縣生育補助



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